Friday, July 27, 2012

Today is the day. It is, I'm sure of it. Imma write a letter to him and actually sent it!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


It has been about seven months. I haven't wrote a single letter. Guess I really don't know what to write him, think I'm just scared of what he'll say. I listen to all the songs we listen together over and over, I feel bad yet I don't do anything to change that. We have been friends for six, going on seven years. I remember when we'd just sit and talk for hours. The late night texts. Our tea times. Walking around downtown, taking silly photos. And of course, reading comics in the bookstores,. I have almost a journal full of entires for him, I do love him, very much so. Maybeee its when I send them, I feel like I won't get a reply but then again he isn't the type to do such a thing as to not reply.