Monday, December 28, 2009

what now.

i was extremely happy but you took that happiness away like that.
i seriously don't know what to say but i'm taking a huge risk.

few seconds of happiness

mostly i give and take each day i breathe.
i mainly take happiness from people that need it.
i realize that i have taken many things in my life for granted.
i never noticed because i was too close minded.
my life has changed so much that i can't catch it.
but i am happy that my life isn't going in circles.
i'm truly happy that i get back up and know that i can.
my timing isn't always the best.
i think too much into the future my present is slipping away.
now my mind is opening up.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

28/265 - tears and sticks

I am starting to notice that I'm not the person that I see myself as. Maybe everything that has happened or is happening at the moment is having a big impact on me that I wouldn't simply let it go and I would expand it to the point that it is always on my mind making me sick. I am very good at hiding my emotions but when I let my guard down I just let it all out. I seriously need a better way of venting but it's what I have right now. When I was walking I felt really at peace with myself, maybe I can be better with everything if I was alone or just care only for myself. I don't think I could deal that what makes me so weak.

Something Isn't Right

I'm a little over my head, but I don't want to stop it.
I'm happy by hiding the sad smile on my face.
I am glad that I can wake up and move on.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

27/365 - Blow the dust away .

Many weeks have gone by and nothing in my life has changed too much , I am still the same person with the same goals , dream but a different pace . I kind of feel like I'm running away from something that isn't there yet I'm afraid that I don't dare move on . I try many things to do and what I want to do but I don't and it just makes me feel so useless that I do the same thing over everyday . I'm fine with doing the little things that I have been asked of but is that it ? Maybe I'm thinking too much about the things that I overdo it . Like always when I'm like this a ray of light comes my way and I follow it , I found what I need and that actually works . My life isn't getting easier and I don't want it any other way , I'm finding myself in these tough times . I'm only getting started .